Carrie Bulbuk - Sheiko Elementary
Book Review
Reviewer’s Name: Carrie Bulbuk
School: Sheiko Elementary School
School District: West Bloomfield
Email address: bulbuk@wbsd.org
Author (Last name first): Chiaverilla, AnnieMarie
Title of the Book: The Twelve Months of Michigan
Publisher: The Peartree Press Date of Publication: 2013
ISBN# 978-0-578-12988-4
Price: $14.95 / Grade Levels: K-5 / Number of Pages: 32
Highly Recommended
My Review:
Travel through the state of Michigan with mice featuring Pirate Paul and Ana Mae. This story is a journey through Michigan based on the pattern of “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. Each month features an aspect of Michigan including different state symbols, the Five Great Lakes, sports teams, Michigan food products, the auto industry, boating, and music. The illustrations are quite detailed and provide even more information that matches each month’s featured topic.
Teachers can use this book as part of their classroom study of Michigan (typically in 3rd grade). Teachers can read this book aloud and show the pictures on a document camera so that the students can see all of the details. Besides learning about the state’s symbols and other important aspects that make Michigan special, there are many small details within the pictures that can be discussed and can be used to encourage further study. Since the book is written using a familiar pattern, it can be read to younger students (grades prek- 1) as well. They will enjoy being able to join in saying or singing the repetitious refrain. For older students (grades 2-5), this book can be used as a mentor text to inspire pattern writing using any topic that is being studied. As an added bonus, the author lives locally here in Michigan and does a charming presentation of her book while also discussing how she took an idea and turned it into her dream of writing and illustrating a book on Michigan. This book would make a great addition to any Michigan public or elementary school library.
Carrie Bulbuk - Sheiko Elementary Librarian